Sela space pirates and her loyal robot Botte will fly through the asteroid field when they destroyed a giant meteorite that consists of a large alien nest.
There is free time to help clean the area, Sela parasiticides, they reached her goal only: pillage and put her boat by money not being comprehensive, but because the area is not the escort robbery, rabbits Galaxy. With impunity
Dive into the crazy world of this gun with an amazing 3D environment ultra-dynamic and enemies and Sela and mind grabbing robot misanthropist her humor.
• 30 levels. With the monster and marvel
• Ship upgrades (4)
• Horrendous weapon 3
• Thousands of coin collecting
• Neo retro sounds. The actual best shooter game tribute
This version features:
-Life counter (no more hiding Botte ye screen).
-Weapon buttons can now move to the bottom of the screen.
-It is possible to skip the dialog box only.
-Fixed sensitivity move.
-Fixed font and provides high density
-There are no black space outside of the zone, the zone play.
-Other minor fixes.
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